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Application Setup

The framework allows you to configure different application setups. Currently the following configurations are supported:

  • Stateless (Ideal for cloud functions)
  • Stateful with an in memory database
  • Stateful with a SQLlite database

Also, the framework can expose a REST api to allow you to interact with your trading bot.

Stateful in-memory Setup

The in-memory setup is the default setup. It is used to run the framework in a single process and without any persistence. This setup is useful for testing and debugging purposes. To configure the application with in-memory setup, simply don't pass any arguments to the create_app method. The following code snippet shows how to do this:

from investing_algorithm_framework import create_app
app = create_app()

Stateless Setup

To run the framework in a stateless setup, you need to set the stateless flag to True when calling the create_app method. The following code snippet shows how to do this:

Cloud functions

Use stateless setup when running the framework in a cloud function such as AWS Lambda or Azure Cloud Functions. You can find examples on how to deploy to this cloud environments here: Cloud functions

from investing_algorithm_framework import create_app
app = create_app(stateless=True)

Stateful with a sqllite setup

To run the framework with a SQLlite setup, you need to specify a resource directory for you algorithm to store the database in. The following code snippet specifies the resource directory to the parent directory where the trading bot is running in.

import pathlib
from investing_algorithm_framework import create_app, RESOURCE_DIRECTORY
# Create the resource directory in the parent directory of the current file
app = create_app(config={RESOURCE_DIRECTORY: pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.resolve()})

Rest API plugin

To run the framework in a rest api setup, you need to specify a port to run the rest api on. The following code snippet shows how to do this:

Cloud functions

The REST api plugin is not supported when you run you algorithm in a stateless setup.

from investing_algorithm_framework import create_app
app = create_app(web=True)

Or if you want to specify the port you can specify this in the config class.

from investing_algorithm_framework import create_app, REST_API_PORT
app = create_app({REST_API_PORT: 3000}, web=True)